- The Rolling Stones – gimme shelter
- Led Zeppelin – the song remains the same
- Pink Floyd – summer of '68
- The Who – Baba O'Riley
- AC DC – it's a long way to the top (if you wanna rock-n-roll)
- The Rolling Stones – let it bleed
- Led Zeppelin – D'yer Mak'er
- The Who – love ain't for keeping
- AC DC – the jack
- Pink Floyd – atom heart mother part 3
- Led Zeppelin – over the hills and far away
- The Rolling Stones – you can't always get what you want
סן פטרוק 131 – אוה תדהר 31/01/2023
לעמוד התוכנית:
סן פטרוק
סן פטרוק 131 – אוה תדהר 31/01/2023